What is Freeduino?

If you are following open source community from last 4-5 years, you’re probably well familiar with the Freeduino Microcontroller Movement. This simple microcontroller is wonderful piece of engineering with bringing physical computing to the mainstream. You can build almost anything like Robots, 3D Printers, CNCs, data-loggers, LED Blinking, Clocks, and so on…Freeduino is an open-source microcontroller building platform that is based off of Ardunio® hardware. Freeduino have freedom with trade mark and copyright.


The Duino system, which is used to describe Freeduino, Ardunio®, and all derivative systems, is used to create a single-board microcontrollers. A single-board microcontroller is a small computer system made on one board. All the essential components of the computer are loaded onto the single board, making it very small and weaker than full systems but space efficient.


Freeduino Arduino Compatible Hardware
Freeduino Arduino Compatible Board

The original creator of this system was the Ardunio® company. When they made this system, they specified that it was open-source, but only under certain conditions and parameters. The lack of clarity about just how open-source the system meant many creators were worried about making their own system. To solve the open-source issue, Freeduino was created. This system is similar to Ardunio®, and is used colloquially to mean any system that is Ardunio® compatible, but does not use the official name. Unlike the open-source confusion, Freeduino is completely open-source. In terms of power, parts that can be used, and the software used to change the microcontroller functions, both Duino systems are practically the same.

People who create boards and hardware under this system are allowed to sell the product, configure it any way the programmer wants and change original designs. This can all be done without permission. This is why it is called “free duino” — because it is a Duino system without any restrictions on programmers. You can download design file and source code from here Download

More download at PC Communication  UART

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About Umesh Lokhande

Umesh Lokhande holds a Master degree in Scientific Instrumentation from University of Applied Sciences Jena, Germany. and has previously worked at Orbotech, Alere Technologies etc. Umesh is also a founder and first author of BINARYUPDATES.COM


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